This guidebook was written entirely by Bob McElrath.
CustomDraw Map Guidebook
"CustomDraw fs9gps:Map" is a guide for working with the XML Moving Map Gauge in FS9 and FSX. It's a companion volume to the "FS9GPS Module" guidebook.

In addition to the map variables, the guidebook also discusses calibration of XML and CustomDraw map scales so the following XML applications are possible:
- TAWS and TCAS map overlay
- Mouse click distance, bearing, latitude and longitude
- Nearest search centered on mouse click
- Adding flight plan waypoint by mouse click
- Stationary map vs. moving map
What’s new in v.2.0? Sections on number format and map object color syntax have been added, and some errors found in v.1.0 corrected.
v2.0.1 - 10.7 MB
Example XML Map
v1.0 - 1.4 MB